Hair Transplant in Mauritius

What Hair Loss Treatment can we offer you ?



The Direct Hair Implantation Method is the latest revolutionary DHI technique.

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Instant higher hair density and coverage of the bald area.

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The new line of DHI shampoos and lotions against hair loss.

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For natural and nicely-shaped eyebrows.
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For a complete, defined appearance.

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World’s most sophisticated and advanced non clinical hair replacement procedure.

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DHI Medical Group is the world’s largest chain of hair restoration clinics with 74 clinics in 42 countries. Mauritius is now the 37th country and 61st Clinic to represent the group.

Our patients best interests are our number one concern at DHI Mauritius.

  • Ater having pioneered FUE in 2003 DHI innovated and launched the Direct Hair Implantation procedure in 2005.
  • DHI is now considered the gold standard in hair restoration with the strongest research advisory board and world class facilities and US and EU patents.
  • DHI continues to launch new treatments for various stages of hair loss. Since its launch in India in 2008, DHI performed more than 6000 procedures including those of celebrities like Bollywood actors, Sportsmen, Politicians and Business Tycoons.

What is hair transplant?

Hair transplant is a complex surgical process of removal of hair follicle from back of head and planting of those follicles in those areas of head where hair is thin of have bald patches. DHI is one of the leading clinic for hair transplant in Mauritius. DHI is into this hair restoration since 1970. DHI technique is one of the finest hair transplant techniques.

FAQs related to hair transplant in Mauritius

1. Is it safe to do hair transplant in Mauritius?

Today with modern techniques like DHI, hair transplant is a very safe, minimalistic procedure which can be finished in a few hours, giving lifetime permanent and natural results. But it is important that it should be performed only by trained surgeons following strict protocols such as pre-screening, medical tests so that one can choose right patient for hair transplant. Not every patient is eligible to get hair transplant.

2. Which doctors perform hair transplants in Mauritius?

Today, in Mauritius, Homeopathic doctors, Ayurvedic doctors, Dentist and even gynaecologists are performing hair transplant procedures without having any proper training. At DHI’s hair transplant clinic in Mauritius, all procedures are performed end-to-end by MCI registered highly trained surgeons.

3. Are the surgeons suitably trained and certified?

Hair Transplant is not taught in any medical college world-wide. Doctors have to learn it from other doctors on the job, without proper training, assessment or certification, thereby compromising on safety. At DHI’s hair transplant clinic in Mauritius, each doctor is extensively trained on DHI Total Care System and certified by DHI International Hair Restoration Academy.

4. How can you measure the hair transplant results?

Hair Transplant results can be measured with precise hair count through computerized alopecia test which most clinics in Mauritius do not do or know about. Research shows that on an average, only 1 out of 2 implanted follicles grow at clinics without verifiable results. DHI has a verified graft survival rate of more than 90%. One third of DHI patients come for repair after their case has been spoilt by other hair transplant clinics in Mauritius.

5) When I am not suitable person for hair transplant?

You should not be visiting any clinic for hair transplant in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia if:

  • You do not have enough donor hair sites from where follicles are removed during hair transplant procedure
  • If hair loss is much and one has stage 6 or 7 Norwood Scale, in this case one can go for hair prosthetics rather than hair transplant in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
6) How do some clinic for hair transplant in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia offer cheap price?

Clinics which offer cheap hair transplant in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia have unqualified doctors, substandard facilities & they even use cheap instruments which may be reused on multiple patients, which might compromise with patient health. DHI’s high quality patented instrument are “single-use” & they are destroyed after every case, which ensures zero scars and damage. So it is advised to go for DHI rather than other cheap clinics for hair transplant in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

7) What is importance of diagnosis/alopecia test before going to a clinic for hair transplant in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia?

There are various types of alopecia & one could be suffering from any of them. A correct treatment of alopecia requires a proper diagnosis to begin with. Unfortunately, most clinics do hair transplant in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia without proper diagnosis. DHI’s Diagnostic System for Alopecia (DSA) follows a dermatological examination, psychological aspects, precise mathematical count of donor and recipient area, and computerized alopecia test. This results in a comprehensive lifetime treatment plan and best results for the hair loss problem.

8) What are advantages of Hair Transplant?
  • Improved self-image: People who are bald generally have a complaint that they look older than they really are. With hair transplant, the bald area disappears and they regain their lost confidence.
  • Eliminates baldness: Hair transplant is one of the best solutions for eliminating baldness and hair loss.
  • Long term cost saving: Hair transplant requires minimum maintenance cost of the affected areas as compared to others. Other than this hair transplant is long lasting which helps in cost having in long term.

How would you choose a clinic for hair transplant in Mauritius?

 The key factors to keep in mind while choosing a clinic for hair transplant in Mauritius are –

  • Who will perform the hair transplant procedure (doctor 100% or technician merely using the name of the doctor).
  • Where was the doctor trained in hair transplant?
  • Does the clinic for hair transplant in Mauritius follow any safety protocols & are they on display in clinics.
  • What instruments are used for hair transplant & is there any evidence of instruments being destroyed after every hair transplant procedure.
  • Does the clinic for hair transplant in Mauritius have credible results of its own & can you talk to at least 10 patients about their experience with this clinic.
  • Price is an important factor but cannot lead to compromise with safety & natural results.