Scalp Micropigmentation Treatment in Mauritius



Micro-Pigmentation (MPG) Direct MPG is the process of getting ink marks on your scalp that look like tiny hairs; a technique known as ‘Cosmetic Hair Follicle replication’. It is not a tattoo, nor a form of cosmetic makeup.

DHI MPG is used for a variety of scalp conditions, including genetic male pattern baldness, scarring alopecia and scarring from neurosurgical procedures and burns.

Enhance hair density and cover bald region. The DHI MPG is a new and promising treatment for higher density visibility and to cover bald spots. It uses a non-toxic pigment and is performed in a way to offer an accurate stimulation of baby follicles.

It is applied to the scalp, in the form of small dots or lines, between existing hair (transplanted or not). It can be used between your hair for a thinkening effect or on a bald area to create a shaven look HOW DOES DHI MICROPIGMENTATION WORK?

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